Why buying art is a good idea

  • Art is more than decoration: art relects something of yourself, maybe something that’s missing in your life. You can’t say it in words, but you can feel it.
  • Art makes a home of your house because it shows your unique personality, it adds something of yourself to a room.
  • Art is good for your mood. An artwork can litteraly bring colour in your house. Het straalt rust uit of je wordt er blij van. It radiates peace or it makes you happy.
  • Art makes a statement, in a quiet or a loud way, depending on your choice.
  • Art is a conversationstarter    It can be very interesting to talk with your visitors about what the artwork means to them.
  • Art is a source of inspiration. You can keep looking at good art and find discover something new every time.

Do you agree buying art is a good idea ? I am happy to invite you to take a look at my collection or  my virtual exhibit 


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